Sunday, March 9, 2008

Noticable Gout Symptoms

One of the main and noticeable gout symptoms is an intense pain in your joints ... your big toe usually. Symptoms most

commonly develop in the joints of the legs and feet.
Extreme joint pain, swelling and tenderness in the joints.

When you experience the symptoms of a gout attack, uric acid has been building up in your blood. Uric acid forms into sharp uric

acid crystals, and the crystal deposits have been forming on one or more of your joints. Purines are the substances in food that

the body converts into uric acid. Foods that are high in purines include shellfish, organ meats, red meat, pork, alcohol, oatmeal,

creamy sauces and anchovies.

Symptoms can appear and intensify within hours and can last anywhere up to 4 to 11 days. Gout symptoms can occur with more

frequency if untreated. Gout can be controlled in a number of ways... diet and medicine.

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